Udemy - Learn Intricate C Programming - Tips & Tricks in Programming [100% Off]

Udemy - Learn Intricate C Programming - Tips & Tricks in Programming 

Udemy - Learn Intricate C Programming - Tips & Tricks in Programming
$200 Free 100% Off

  • Lectures 7
  • Length 33 mins
  • Skill Levels Beginner Level
  • Languages English
  • Published 6/2017

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What is the course about?
This course provides  a thorough introduction to the C programming language which is the core of the UNIX/Linux operating system and other embedded systems.
In this tutorial, we will cover some advanced preprocessor topics. First we will talk in-depth about function-like macros, focusing on how to avoid some common pitfalls. We present the # and ## preprocessor operators and describe how they can be used when defining macros. An ancient trick-ofthe- trade called the "do { ... } while(0)" trick is presented. The article ends with a discussion on whether #if or #ifdef is preferable for conditional compilation.
Programming assignments and laboratory exercises are required to do by students. Please remember that this is a serious course on programming. I believe that programming language like C cannot be learned in few hours. It required continuous practice. Students may have to put a lot of efforts in order to become expert in programming and make the best use of this course.
What kind of material is included?
1. This course consists of high quality training content using quality videos with industry oriented hands-on examples.
2. I have tried to include the juice of my 10 years of Programming experience in this course.
3. The focus is on giving real life essential tricks and skills.
4. This course will have sets of online programming assignments and objective type quizzes.
5. I suggest students to take this course with pen and paper handy. Note the important points and take part in discussions. The exercise is the most important part in learning any language. I advise students to take the problems after each section.
How is the course structured?
1. A perfect blend of theory and programming.
Why take this course?
1. Learning C programming language is basic to learn all other programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, etc. Because, all other advanced programming languages were derived from C language concepts only.
2. This course will tends to replace text books on C programming ie it will be a complete reference of tips and tricks involved in C Preprocessor.
3. You will learn how programming languages work with data, what program flow is, and how to use tips and tricks involved in C Preprocessor.
4. You will also get step-by-step instructions on how to create simple and advance C programs and how to run them.
5. For the college going students, this course helps in improving grades in college curriculum and increases the chances at the final Campus Interview.