Udemy - Java for Complete Beginners [Free]

Udemy - Java for Complete Beginners 

Udemy - Java for Complete Beginners

  • Lectures 33
  • Length 4.5 hours
  • Skill Levels Beginner Levels
  • Languages English
  • Published 12/2017


Q: What will I learn in this course?
Ans: You will learn the fundamentals of Java. We will start of easy and learn about variables, conditions, loops, arrays, operators and user input. Then we will take a closer look at classes, objects and methods. Finally we will go over fundamentals concepts of Object Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Compositions. We will not merely glance over these topics but get a thorough understanding of what they are, how they work with each other and what role they play. The goal is for you to be thoroughly versed with these FUNDAMENTAL concepts by the end of the course.
Q: How will this course be taught? 
Ans: The videos will compromise of two parts: paper and computer. We will not directly dive into coding but rather gain an understanding of what the concept is and why it is important (on paper). Then we will move to the computer where I will lay out the syntax of the concept for you and give you ample of examples and mini challenges to strengthen your understanding of the concept. 
Additionally, I will link a document for EACH video which will go over what we learnt and will include plenty of additional resources for you to check out. I will also link the source code for each video. 
Q. How is this course different than other courses?
Ans: First off, this course requires NO prior experience, all it requires is a desire to learn. 
Secondly, for each video, you will have an idea of what we are going to cover as I will lay out an agenda for you. 
Lastly and MOST importantly, this course is FREE and definitely worth your time. 

So what are you waiting for? Enroll NOW for FREE and learn java the easy and fun way!
This course is free only till December 31st. So ENROLL while it is FREE!