Udemy - Sumo Competition Robot with Rokit Smart [Free]

Udemy - Sumo Competition Robot with Rokit Smart 

Udemy - Sumo Competition Robot with Rokit Smart

  • Lectures 5
  • Length 1 hour
  • Skill Levels All Levels
  • Languages English
  • Published 11/2017


The Sumo Competition Robot is exactly what it sounds like --- it's a robot that is built and programmed to push other robots out of a ring during a Sumo Bot competition! The first section of the course will cover how to build a basic Sumo Bot with Robolink's Rokit Smart 11-in-1 robot kit, as well as how to add modifications. The second section will go over programming the Sumo Bot with Blockly, a block-based language. The third section will cover programming the Sumo Bot with Arduino, a text-based language. By the end of the course, students should have a fully functioning and competition ready Sumo Bot!
You will need a Rokit Smart kit for this course. These are available on the Robolink website as well as Amazon and Newegg.